Complaints policy

Do you have a complaint or otherwise want to get in touch?

If you do not agree with the outcome of your claim

If you file a claim and do not agree with the outcome, contact the claims agent for further information as to why you have not received the compensation claimed.

If you still do not agree with the outcome, send in an appeal in writing via e-mail or regular mail to the claims agent and ask for a review of your claim. Your appeal letter should be sent within six months from the time you got the final decision from the claims agent. The letter should contain your claim number, what you would like to have refunded which has not been approved, and the reason(s) why. For example, if you have documentation supporting your view, such as a medical report, attach this to your letter, or if your interpretation of the terms and conditions is different, explain it in your letter.

If you have some other complaint or otherwise want to get in touch with Erika

If you want to file a complaint against Erika Insurance Ltd. or otherwise want to get in touch with us, you are welcome to contact us at:

Erika Insurance Ltd.
Box 55569
102 04 Stockholm

+46-8-5879 32 20

Our complaints manager, Ann-Katrine Ekman, will respond to your question or concern.

Further Guidance

Local consumers’ insurance bureaus (such as Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå in Sweden) can give you information and guidance in relation to a claim and other insurance matters. In several countries there are also governmental agencies specifically tasked with safeguarding consumer interests. In Sweden, the Consumer Agency (Sw: Konsumentverket) provides independent guidance regarding questions relating to insurance through a dedicated information service (contact information can be found at


Where a dispute arises concerning any form of dissatisfaction and further contact with the claims agent or Erika Insurance Ltd. does not result in a satisfactory result for you, it may be possible for you to present a complaint to your local alternative dispute resolution body or consumer complaints board (such as Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden for Swedish customers) and get their recommendation. Erika Insurance Ltd. always follows the recommendations given by a consumer complaints board in an insurance matter. You also have the right to take your claim to court in your home country.